Monday, October 31, 2005
Politis newspaper will feature Go in this Sunday's pull-out "Magazine". Look out for it.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Platy Go Club restarts
Platy Go Club is going to start again its meetings this Wednesday 19/10/2005. This year our meetings are going to take place in classroom “1”. Our meetings are going to begin at 13:35 and end at 15:00. This year Mrs. Kalogeropoulou (Computer teacher) is going to be with Mr. Regginos as a teacher of Platy Gymnasium.
For more information about Platy Go Club go to
First Kyu: A novel

A novel written by Dr. Sung-Hwa Hong, describing the life of a Korean student hoping to become a professional Go player, going against the will of his strict father.
As some reviewers also mention, I could not put this book down once I started reading it. It is a very interesting story and keeps you wanting to read on!
You can even read the first few chapters online, through
Thursday, October 13, 2005
The fun way to learn Go (by Nihon Ki-in)
This is a simplistic site that can be used to learn about the game, learn how to play the game, even solve some basic exercises. This can be used in conjuction with The Interactive Way to Go, mentioned in a previous post.
Take a look at the site:
Take a look at the site:
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Cyprus Go Championship set on 26-27 November
The Cyprus Go Championship will be held on the weekend 26-27 November. It will be a 5 round open tournament, with 3 rounds on Saturday and 2 rounds on Sunday. More details will be given soon, together with pre-registration details.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Go article in the Sunday Mail
A full page was dedicated to Go in Sunday Mail of 9 October. Follow the link to read the article by Leo Leonidou:
Friday, October 07, 2005
Haruyama Isamu 9p in Cyprus (Press release)
You can read the press release for Mr. Haruyama's Go workshop as published online by Sportive Magazine. Click atΣύνταξη/Ειδήσεις/tabid/148/ctl/ArticleView/mid/439/articleId/843/.aspx
Monday, October 03, 2005
KGS Statistics
You can calculate your KGS statistics by simply entering your username on this web page: